Monday, February 27, 2006


From: leigh-m@...
Date: Wed Jun 8, 2005 1:49 pm
Subject: Dear OSAM ALTAEE - AMANA UMACR Partnership


Please allow me to introduce myself. My name is Leigh Mitchell and I have recently taken up the position of Project Coordinator for the Asian Muslim Action News Agency (AMANA). The Arabic term amana translated into English means trust; a word which I hope in time will become synonymous with what we are attempting to create.

AMANA has been created to serve the specific media interests of Muslim communities, organizations and initiatives within and around Asia however the publication is written for all audiences regardless of background. Our geographic focus does not however prevent us from covering issues we feel have not been done justice elsewhere in the media. AMANA is dedicated to promoting independent and unbiased news coverage of issues pertaining to regional inter-faith and secular partnerships, regional development initiatives, human rights issues and peace amongst its readers regardless of social, economic or political background.

As of now we are seeking articles, reports, interviews, opinion pieces, human rights news, regional news, current affairs, photos and news in brief.

If you are interested in using AMANA as a vehicle to spread information that relates to the goals and strategy (found in the two attachments to this email titled AMANA Goals and Strategies Document and Press Release 5.05.05) then we strongly encourage you to get in contact with us!

We are happy to consult with your organization over any piece of work submitted.

If you have read over the two documents attached to this email and would like to become associated with AMANA I encourage you to nominate one staff member with which AMANA Head Office (Bangkok) can communicate with. Having one primary contact in all partner organizations would help us at AMANA coordinate our communication efforts in a more efficient manner.

I look forward to communicating with you all at UMACR further. I hope we may work together in the future,

My most warm and sincere regards,

Leigh Mitchell - Project Coordinator

Asian Muslim Action News Agency (AMANA)

House 1562/113, Soi 1/1
Mooban Pibul, Pracharaj Road
Bangkok 10800, Thailand

M: (+66) 6880-0895
T: (+66) 2913-0196
F: (+66) 2913-0197

From: sam@...
Sent: Thursday, June 09, 2005 10:23 PM
To: leigh-m@...

Subject: Re: Dear OSAM ALTAEE - AMANA UMACR Partnership

Dear Leigh Mitchell,

I like to help you if I can but first I like to tell you about me, I'm
an Iraqi refugee living in Lebanon, I'm activist for human rights, I
wrote and published Ebooks on the net and I'm the owner of UMACR and
UMACR doesn't exist in real life but just on the net. UMACR was an idea
to show people what the refugees need. Only me working for the UMACR,
I'm using yahoo groups now to deliver my messages and maybe you read my
message about my campaign 'Human-buttons' in one of yahoo groups. If you
can help by posting my message via your project AMANA so that'll be
good. If there is any way I can help you with so I'll be happy to do.

Thank you very much and I hope to hear from you soon.

Peace upon you.


From: "Leigh Mitchell"
Date: Fri Jun 17, 2005 8:42 am
Subject: RE: Dear OSAM ALTAEE - AMANA UMACR Partnership
Send Email
Ban Author

Dear Osam,

Thank you for your response. Your efforts seem worthwhile and
commendable. If you would like to write up a small 'news item' of
approximately 500 words describing your work I would be interested in
considering it for inclusion in AMANA. Of course I cannot promise
anything however if you would like to write about your efforts in a news
format then I would be happy to receive and consider it for inclusion in

Also - I am very interested in hearing your thoughts and views
concerning AMANA, its content and format.

I hope to hear from you soon,


Leigh Mitchell - Project Coordinator
Asian Muslim Action News Agency (AMANA)
House 1562/113, Soi 1/1
Mooban Pibul, Pracharaj Road
Bangkok 10800, Thailand
M: (+66) 6880-0895
T: (+66) 2913-0196
F: (+66) 2913-0197

your permission

From: nat@...
Date: Mon Jun 6, 2005 1:49 am
Subject: your permission

Dear Osam,
We would like your permission to forward your story to all the recipients on
our e-mail share list. We have edited it from and would like your e-mail address so that
you can see and approve our edited version. We have already forwarded your
latest campaign "Human buttons" which you sent to one of the groups we belong
to, and have already received some feedback in your favor.
May God richly bless you in all you are doing to serve Him!
In His unlimited love, Nat & Margie
From: nat@...
Date: Tue Jun 7, 2005 3:13 am
Subject: Fw: your permission

Dear Osam,
Thank you for your quick reply. Attached is our edited version of your life story. After reading it, let us know if we have your approval, so that we can forward on our shares list to almost 1000 recipients all over the world. We also help in the printing and distribution of the magazine NEW CREATION, which we send to 78 countries. None of us are paid a salary and everything we publish is sent free of charge. You of course have our permission to publish anything we write in your blog
We have added you to our share list from which we forward inspirationals, prayer requests, some humor, etc. If you would rather only receive the inspirationals or no messages at all, just let us know. One of the groups we belong to is where we found your message "Hunan-Buttons", which we forwarded to everyone on our list. That is how Gary Amirault found out about you. He is a very close friend of ours, in the state of Missouri, and we are in Houston, TX.
You wrote: "I hope to know more about you if possible." My work history for the most part was as a locomotive fireman for 8 years and driving 18-wheelers for 20 years. I retired on disability on Sept. 21, 1982, at the age of 49. I married Margie 5 years later and now help her in a part-time transportation business she and her late husband started in 1971. My 2nd language which I speak, read and write, is Spanish. Like you with your English, I never studied it. I just picked it up. Below is a recent photo of us, followed by a small one taken when we were first married.
In His unlimited love, Nat & Margie


From: sowersseeds@...
Date: Fri Jun 3, 2005 6:49 pm
Subject: Salam!

Hello, I read your story and was touched by it. I have sent you an email before
this one was sent. I was asking about your identity and why did you enroll at
our yahoo group. Our group is supposed to be for members of our Christian
community who has resided both in our country and abroad. Anyway , you are
welcome and we find ways how can we be of help to your crusade. I pray that
genuine peace will reign in your country. What's happening now is very terrible.
With all the deaths due to bombings , in a daily basis , one could picture a
dark situation for Iraq.

MY fervent hope that someday you can go back to your home country and be with
your family. Insha AllaH!

By the way Iam the moderator of our yahoogroup and also the pastor of our
community. Thanks. Assalamu Alaikum!


From: marija_nn03@...
Date: Thu Jun 2, 2005 2:53 pm
Subject: Rights
I am very impressed with you trying to make something better,so just GO AHEAD
you have my support


From: vng_gabriel@...
Date: Thu Jun 2, 2005 11:37 am
Subject: inquire

i just want to inquire about your books,i'm planning to have my own copy but i
want to know the price of your books because it might cost a lot because i'm an
ordinary person who works for a can i avail your books ? is there
anyway to have all your books?i only use old computer in my office and no way to
down load it because it has small memory i hope you understand me . by the way
i'm from the philippines. more power and i will pray for your fight. GOD bless

UNHCR protection

From: uglyboy@...
Date: Wed Jun 1, 2005 9:02 pm
Subject: UNHCR protection

Dear ,
Mynamar/Burma,south east asia also faces economic crisis and some political
problems in the whole country. Many people along the border who are not really
comply with the UNHCR refugee definition lure UNHCR and pretend as they were
refugees while some are really fled for their lives from military oppression. So
what is your experiences on this issue...
yours sincerely,

greetings from london

From: ruby@...
Date: Wed Jun 1, 2005 2:02 am
Subject: greetings from london

Dear Osman Altaee,

I have just been reading your website. Your story is an inspiring one and you
truly are an adventurer and a warrior! I was particularly interested in your
camaign againts 'Human Buttons', as I am very interested in the issues raised by
how images are used to gain support for humanitarian causes. I worked for two
and half years for a publishing company, Trolley ( that
published mainly books of photojournalism, particularly projects that deal with
the dispossessed. We felt that it was important to share the horror of images of
people suffereing human rights abuses, to inform people of the injustices that
go on in our wolrd. But I have always been aware of the dangers of invoking pity
in western viewers who come to see the third world as poulated by miserable,
down-trodden and pathetic cases. While seeing these images can move people to
sadness and rage that in turn moves them to act against these injustices, they
often do little to show these victims as more than victims, as dignfied human
beings just like us. Some photographers do work in a way that aims to empower
the subjects of their work - I have in mind particularly Adam Broomberg and
Oliver Chanarin (, who's two books Trolley have published.

Your views on the 'Human Buttons' have given me a lot to think about.

I would be very interested to know what your opinions are on the images we see
of refugees in less extreme context as the 'Human Buttons' - in books, magazines
and newspapers.

I remember being told by photojournalist who took pictures of Kosovan refugees
that their were more photographers than refugees, fighting over the images of
peoples suffering like vultures. The images these stories conjured were more
shocking than the ones that the journalists had brought back, but of course they
never took pictures of the complete scene.

I am currently working on a project to set up a new oragnisation, Sandblast,
which aims to promote the cause of the Saharawi refugees who have lived for the
past thirty years in camps in the Algerian Sahara, since the invasion of the
homaland by Morocco. The are yet another group who have been disgracefully let
down by the UN, and when I visited the camps I heard many complaints of the
wasteful way in which the UNHCR used their funds. We aim to raise awareness of
their situation through the arts. The Saharawi are a dignified people with a
firm commitment to democracy, equality and the peaceful resolution of their
cause. We are trying to give them a platform to tell their own stories in their
own words, images and songs. We would like people to learn about their plight
and feel anger at the situation, but to respect them and not to pity them. One
of Sandblast's projects will be working with two groups, PhotoVoice
( and Fotografie Senza Frontiere, who run photography
workshops with dispossessed people, teaching them the use of cameras to tell
their own stories and portrey themselves as they would like to seen.

We also see the importance (as you certainly do!) of web-based media, and are
setting up a website ( which is still in its early
stages, but which intends to showcase the work of Saharawi artists and link
people around the world who are intested in their cause or related issues.

Anyway, I just want to say how inspiring I have found your webpages. I would
love to be kept up-to-date on your wrk and campaigns, so please add me to your
mailing list. I am working on a mac so have not been able to download your
ebooks, but I intend to find a PC where I can do this as soon as I can! I look
forward to reading more from you.

With all my support for your courageous work,

Ruby Russell, London

your struggle

From: rebelfor@...
Date: Tue May 31, 2005 12:32 pm
Subject: your struggle

Hi there'
One of my school mate sent me tnis message of your struggle, and I am so sad
that most Islamic nation cannot see that: unless you are born again by the blood
of Jesus, your struggle will continue.

Jesus said that, I am the way, the truth and the life, and no one comes to the
FATHER but by me.
Most christian nation live in peace and refugees is a strange word for us.

Unless the love of JESUS is in you, the love of the FATHER is not in you. How
can you love your neighbour when you don't know what love is.

In most Islamic nation or(Islam (religion))the LOVE OF God is not there, it
seems there is none, violence is preached to solve most conflict.

Please prove me wrong.

My prayers are with you and all the refugees in the world, may the love of JESUS
be with you and help you open your eyes and ears to the SALVATION of God. It is
a free gift from God through faith in his only son Jesus. He was crucified, and
died for your sins and all the world sins. All you have to do is recieve Jesus
in faith and you home.

Please try Jesus and let me know the outcome of your struggle. This is all I can
offer you, as money and food only feed the flesh but but in Jesus, you will then
find real refuge and peace.

My heart and prayers are with you all


Together we will build a better world

From: thuha29_6@...
Date: Mon May 30, 2005 10:02 pm
Subject: Together we will build a better world

Dear Sam,

Firstly, I want to introduce myself. I am a Vietnamese girl and I am a member of
LL.M yahoo groups. It is nice to receive a letter from a great person like you
and I am now writing a reply to you as a person who really care for the
refugees. I read your mail carefully and I am truly moved. Noone wants to get a
very bad situation in their life but life sometimes is not fair and the world
where we are living sometime is not safe and peace. Who has responsibility for
these problems ? Noone except us. However, we need to share the responsibility
and also share the help. We can not alive or exsist without helping in this
Secondly, I would like to say that the way you use the Internet as a field for
your campaign is the best way and your book does give us useful information
about the war and conflict countries. We just know via Internet, TV, newspapers
or the other tools if someone do concern. However, I do not think UNHCR forgot
all of you, they just did not give thier hearts minds for this job. Therefore,
what you are doing now is an alarm for all UNHCR workers in order to make a
better UNHCR and ask for a better UNHCR workers.As you know, UNHCR send Goodwill
Ambassadors to you to remind that they do not forget you, and in another side
she /he will help you to solve the problems in their authorities.
Thirdly, everyone knows that there are many ways to help refugees such as
donation, refugees activists, etc, however here we have to face with one thing,
that will be a culture. It might be funny but it is true. I do not want to talk
about the other sensitive things, but I can not deny the role of culture in our
life. Therefore, to help everyone to understand about human right, about
refugees is to help yourself. And I truly believe that eveyone won't ignore you.
We can say, UNHCR did not work very well, so why don't we give more opions and
speak out your rights to ask for help. I hope that the UNHCR worker will soon
realize their unlackable role in this world.
I just drop some words to you to express my deep feeling and hope that you will
be successful in this feild. I will take more time to read all the book and
hope to help you.
Thu Ha

(No subject)

From: michelle86533@...
Date: Tue May 31, 2005 6:57 pm
Subject: (No subject)

I recently recived an email about you, which really interested me. I would like
to know more about you and ways that I can help the refuges(if there are any
volunteer opportunities availble.) or anything relating to human rights/peace
activism. Please email me back with more information. I believe this issue is
vey important.

Thank You

Four Questions from the Martin man

From: Nadira3172@...
Date: Mon May 30, 2005 8:04 am
Subject: Four Questions from the Martin man

Q1: Martian; "What is the difference between the Humans and the Animals?"


A. 2d question
Q2: Martian: "I have been watching you, and I found that you use your hands and
your head, I also noticed that you have built amazing civilizations, the
question is, did you make this civilization with your hands or in your head?"

A: The Head.

A. 3d question
Q3: Martian; "I wonder, since you think that you created all that civilization
with your head, what is in your head (mind) that motivated all of this creation,
I mean what is the factor that controls your thinking to develop your


A. 4th question
Q4: Martian: "How can you realize the realm or recognize the things in the


From: sam@...
To: nadira3172@...
Subject: Re: Four Questions from the Martin man

Dear Nadira,

Sorry wrong answers. Please tell me who are you.

Thank you very much and I hope to hear from you soon.

From: nadira3172@...
Date: Wed Jun 15, 2005 4:42 am
Subject: Re: Four Questions from the Martin man

Hi Sam,
Thank you for replying back. I am just someone that is fascinated with
your questions.
I asked everyone I know and could not come with the right answers.Your
questions are very
understandable and difficult. Scroll down with your mouse to see if these
are the right answers.
I am from Iraq as well. I came to the U.S.A when I was just 5 years old. I
don't remember
Iraq. And thank god my parents came here. They have told us how bad Saddam
was and they
did not want to raise us like this. I wish one day when Iraq is peaceful I
would like to visit my
home. I feel very sorry for what has happened to you. How are you doing now?
I wish you
the best of luck.

From: sam@...
To: nadira3172@...
Subject: Re: Four Questions from the Martin man

Hello Nadira,

I felt strangely that your name is familiar to me. Nadira, in Iraqi accent means clever girl and we pounce it like nadrah. So if you’re girl so your name is Iraqi. I remember the girl I loved in Iraq when I was 14 or 15, her name was Nadrah, and I loved her from one side like all my other affairs in Iraq. I hope to know more about you and be friends if you like.

I read your answers and all of them aren’t correct, you can try again or read the answers in my ebook ‘The truth warrior’ in the last chapter about the questions.

Now I’m refugee living in Lebanon. I got problem with the UN because I’m human rights activist and they don’t like my opinions about them and our situation as refugees (specially the Iraqis), this is one of the reasons that prevent me from return to Iraq now. Recently I’m busy with the festival of the refugees’ day and I’ll tell you about when it finishes.

I like to publish your message on my blog with your permission.

Thank you very much and I hope to hear from you soon.


To: sam@...
From: nadira3172@...
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2005 15:54:27 -0700
Subject: Re: Four Questions from the Martin man/ Nadira

Hello Sam,
Your funny! How can my name mean clever if I got all the wrong answers?
HA HA! I am a 32 year old young lady. happily married and blessed with 3
children. I want to thank you for asking to be friends. Do you have a family
of your own Sam?

I am not giving up yet on the answers. I keep your questions in my
to ask everyone that comes across with me. Some people look at me and say,
where did you get these questions from. Then I start telling them about your
situation and how sincere & determined you are. When I explain your
situation, I ask people if they know anyone from Lebanon who can help you
get out.

Most people here are worried about being better than the other and you
are trying to make a CHANGE for all refugee's around the world. I admire
your work. Sam, your a courageous person. When I read your article I was
shocked. I asked my husband ( who served 8 years in the military in Iraq) is
this for real? He said,there are many people in his situation and worst . He
also said the main Red Cross is in Greece. Greece is were my husband came
from after serving 8 years in the military for Saddam.

Are you working now? Is it safe to e-mail information about where you can
get help and how?

You have my permission to publish my message on your blog. Take care Sam.
Good Luck with the Festival and keep me posted.



From: sam@...
To: nadira3172@...
Subject: Re: Four Questions from the Martin man

Marhab Nadira,

You’re cleaver because you want to find the answers by yourself even when you know where you can find them now, I like your determination and wish you will find them soon.

I don’t work now, but spend my time on the Internet working on my campaigns. You can email any thing about me or forward my messages. I use special system using servers outside Lebanon so my IP stay unknown. I’m happy with your efforts to tell people about me and I hope we’ll stay friends. Please give my greetings to your husband and all your family.

Shukran jazila, have nice time.


From: nadira3172@...
Date: Tue, 21 Jun 2005 18:35:36 -0700
Subject: Re: Four Questions from the Martin man/ Nadira

Hello Sam,
Thank you for the nice things you wrote about me.
How are you making a living? Why not profit from the book's you wrote.

In America we have talk shows on TV., One of them is called The Montel
Williams Show.
I wrote to him asking if he could help a friend of mine. I explained to
Montel your situation.
Montel has helped many people. I will keep writing until I get a call from
his producers.

I live in the State of Michigan.
We have a TV.Orient ( Arabic Channel); I will tell your story to the
producers and maybe
they will put it on the news.

Thanks again for asking to be friends. I am very honored to have someone
like you as my friend. My husband and family
send their regards. Keep me posted Sam.

Your Friend,


From: sam@...
To: nadira3172@...
Subject: Re: Four Questions from the Martin man

Dear Nadira,

I gave them freely so more people can read them. I don’t have work now so I depend on my saving money, I’ll try to leave Lebanon or find work.

It’s good if you can tell people about me especially in the media, maybe that’ll help me to spread my writings. I’m very happy and proud to have you as caring friend and to give me some of your time. The regards from your family and friends blessed me and I sent them my greetings and my best wish to have nice and happy times.

Tell me please did you find the answer or you gave up on them. I’ll stay in contact with you and reply when I get message from. I wish you happy times with your family.

Peace upon you.

From: nadira3172@...
Date: Fri, 24 Jun 2005 16:56:33 -0700
Subject: Re: Four Questions from the Martin man/ Nadira

Hi Sam,
Wow! That's to bad that you cant profit from it. Focus on getting out
of there.
I will try my personal best to help you in any way I can.

What are you going to do when you run out of your savings?
Find a smuggler to get you out. Have you thought about
marriage or perhaps an engagement from a different Country, Someone you know
and can trust?
Would that be possible?

I wish someday that I can meet you. I am reading your book, The truth
warrior. I am on chapter 2.
I don't want to see the answers. I want to live with your story as I read.
And possibly I will know the
answers. My late Father- in law and my uncle as well worked in the train
station too. That was so sad
what happen to the kurds. Do you still think about the old lady? How is your

Do you have msn.Messenger? We can see each other and talk too. And best
of all, it's free! Yahoo messenger is free to. All you need is a little a
Web Camera that can be hooked up to your computer . You can see and talk to
people all over the world. Download msn. messenger 7.0 and Add my e-mail.

I pray that you will reunite with the people you love and care for.
God Bless you everyday for being who you really are. A true Warrior!

Your Friend,

From: sam@...
To: nadira3172@...
Subject: Re: Four Questions from the Martin man

Hello Nadira,

I give my ebooks for free so more people will read them and I’ll have more friends. I’m trying to compress my spends and maybe I’ll leave before I finish my saving money. I like to have part time job but it’s hard to find in Lebanon. I don’t know if you read about my work in Lebanon here:

About marriage, I didn’t thought about that because I don’t have enough money and also because my life is series of troubles and hardships. I don’t know if the arranged marriage will work or not. There are smugglers but expensive.

I hope you’ll enjoy reading my books and I hope to tell me your opinions about my writings. Maybe one day we can meet if you can leave USA because I don’t think I’ll visit America in my life.

About messengers, I’m using public shops to access the Internet, and I use yahoo messenger more than MSN. My ID is sam4iraq for yahoo and MSN, so if you add me we can chat some time. Mostly I prefer to use emails because I can read and write using my PC in my room and that help me to save some money. Recently we got problem with electricity in Lebanon and I don’t work on my PC so I’m sorry to be late in my reply. There are web cams in the shop; we can use it some time.

I appreciate much your offer to help me, but I don’t see any way except sending messages to the UNHCR about my campaigns. Tell me please about your late Father- in law and your uncle, were they worked in Iraqi railways? And do you still speak Arabic?

I’m happy to read your message and I hope we’ll stay in contact. Thank you very much and I wish you happy times with your family.
Fee amant allah.


From: nadira3172@...
Date: Mon, 4 Jul 2005 17:04:09 -0700
Subject: Re: Four Questions from the Martin man/ Nadira

Hi Sam,
How are you going to leave? About your work, I haven't got to that part
yet, but I will.
About marriage, What I meant about that was to get out of Lebanon. Don't you
hear about people in(example) Iraq go to Jordan and someone from the other
Country's (example) U.S. go there to engage them or marry them just to come
here. And then after 2-3 years they get a divorce. They don't live with each
other or anything. Most people do it for money and or for their loved ones.
If you have some legal papers that you exist in Lebanon, I am certain that
it could be arranged for you. I hope you understand what I mean.

You are right about the smugglers, They are expensive. How much are they
asking from you? I hope you don't mine me asking. I am so sorry that you
have troubles and hardship in your life. Don't give up Sam. Have faith in
God and yourself. You are a very intelligent man. Maybe one day you will
leave Lebanon and visit any country you want.

We can use e-mails if you prefer. I will Add you to my Yahoo messenger and
maybe we can chat when ever you want
About the electricity, we had the same problem here but only for couple
hours.WE WILL send messages to the UNHCR.
The media helps too Sam.

I apologize that it wasn't my father-in-law, it was my uncle. He worked in
a place called K-One or K-wan in Karkoq His name was Gilayana. I speak what
you might call a Slang Arabic.

I am happy when I read your messages too. I pray that you'll will find
happiness and peace soon. Keep me posted.

Your Friend,


From: sam@...
To: nadira3172@...
Subject: Re: Four Questions from the Martin man

Dear friend Nadira,

I heard about arranged marriage and it’s need money and lot work with legal paper and I didn’t thought about because I’m not in good situation to have enough money for that.

About the smugglers, they took more than $1000 from here to Greece, some time it’s work well and another not, it’s expensive and risky. I’m happy that you care and ask me we’re friends so ask me what you like.

The page about the work isn’t in the book but it’s in on my site here: I hope you’ll read it. It’s good you still remember some words in Arabic, tell me please had you been in any Arabic country before? And please don’t be sorry about your relative who was working in the train station, some time we mixed things. I’ll keep sending you messages and wait for your replies. I hope the UNHCR will reply to your message, Please tell me if they’ll do.

Ma’a alslamh (goodby in Iraqi).


From: nadira3172@...
Subject: Re: Four Questions from the Martin man/ Nadira
Date: Sat, 16 Jul 2005 21:24:46 -0700

Hello my friend,

I am sorry it took me long to respond to your e-mail. My computer
memory was very low. My husband bought a memory stick which contains 1kb.

Please Sam, try to make money to leave. You don't belong there. Your
one of a kind! Not many are like you. you certainly don't deserve this kind
of behavior, after everything you been through. You deserve respect and much
much more my friend.

Thanks for trusting me Sam. I care a great deal about you. About work,
I will read that too. I haven't been in any Arabic country's. I will let you
know if UNHCR will respond to my messages. I will also let you know if the
media responds to my messages.

How is the festival going? Let me know.

Take care my friend and I hope to hear from you soon. God be with you!

Your Friend,

From: sam@...
To: nadira3172@...
Subject: Re: Four Questions from the Martin man

Marhaba Nadira,

I understand that you had some problems with your PC and please don’t worry, me too I have problem with the electricity and it made hard for me to work on my PC.

My friend Nadira, it’s hard to fine work here and even if there’ll be good work so it’ll not help to collect the needed amount of money. The average of the wag here is $200 and if I’ll work so I need to spend $100-$150 and I’ll be very lucky to save $100 every month and the work will not continue for one year. It’ll be easy if we can work and have $1000 in one year. The situation here is very hard now and I’m not able to do hard work now like was able to do before months. I spent more that 10 years here and I have nothing. People working here for their daily living expenses.

You’re lucky to not be in any Arabic country and if you can stay away! LOL. Please could you send me the message that you sent for the UNHCR? I like to read them, and I don’t think they’ll reply because they didn’t do that for years.

The festival went well but not like what I dreamed of, I’ll put the pictures on the net when I’ll have the time to do that.

Thanks for your care; I hope we’ll stay in contact. Stay well and happy. God bless you.
Peace upon you.

UNHCR’s emails:,,Hqpr00@Unhcr.Ch,,,

(No subject)

From: kjell.arvidsson@...
Date: Sun May 29, 2005 10:37 pm
Subject: (No subject)

Hello SAM
I saw that you sold the book animalfarm by Orwell.
I like his last book "1984" Bigbrother and bigsister
has always decided in our lives. Newspeak is the normal
way for comunication.
My belife is equlaty, Jesus sacrificed his life for this many years ago and mankind has not understand why yet.
I hope that soon the one and only truth will succed


From: adhitya@...
Date: Thu May 26, 2005 12:48 pm
Subject: Salute!

Hi Sam!
My name is Arief Adhitya, an Indonesian currently working in Singapore. I've
been reading your websites and I salute you for your courage and passion for
If you like to, maybe you can tell me how I can support your work from here, and
I'll see how I can help.

Thanks and blessings,


From: am_rozie@...
Date: Thu May 26, 2005 10:13 am
Subject: introducing

I've read your email and honestly I didn't know much more about your activities.
About UNHCR, I've heard the name before but I don't care at all cos' I was not
realted with this business. When I read your email (in apikatholi) and I start
to interest to know about your activities. Although I knew, I only will keep it
for my information (I hope you don't mind).
Ok, I think it's enough, mybe you can tell me something good for me to know and
at least we can share the information each other. Thank's for your attention
and good bye.

Keep it Up & fight for truth

From: togunasekhar@...
Date: Wed May 25, 2005 1:07 pm
Subject: Keep it Up & fight for truth

Ofcourse truth may seem like getting defeated for an instance but it is the one
which wins at the end.
I can't support U in any form but can give U moral support.And it will be with U
& everybody who is fighting for truth.