Saturday, February 17, 2007


Sender: Blüm Marcus ysedcft2002@...
Date: Tue Jul 5, 2005 1:08 am

Dear Mr. Osam Altaee,

thank you for your email about refugees in the middle east that reached me by
hasard in an yahoo group about personal ads.

WE, the menkind are not blind for the problems and the suffering of many people.
I collected as a former young journalist in lot of free time in the last 15
years several hundred boxes with medicine, medical equipment, clothes, used
glasses, food and so on for many needy people in several countries in afrika,
turkey, east europe and the balkan and also for humanitarian clubs in my own
town, Kaiserslautern in south west Germany. I continue to collect humanitarian
material that I can send to needy people and to collect money for local clubs
that care direct succesfull for needy people in poorer countries.

I know that arabs or muslems are offended easily in questions of religion and so
I think that you have right to expect that the UN does not use fotos of muslem
women, if they did not agree that theese pictures are published in the internet.
On the other hand, pictures show the poverty and the need and only textes in the
media will not reach the hearts and souls of the "rich" inhabitants of the
earth, but pictures that show what happens. By the way, in my own eyes, such
pictures are not against the dignity of people shown on the pictures, but show
their dignity.

I wish good luck and good health to you and every human in need. I´m sorry to
say that I have no interest to read all your textes, also because I get tired if
I read to much in English that is not my native language. To excuse me I want to
let you know that I have already 4.000 books in my apartment, but no tv-set or
broadcast, because it would make me silly.

Two years ago, I send several letters with 10 US-Dollars to five german
nongovernment organsiations in the irak to help the civilians. Thats all I could
do for you and the iraqui peolpe, because I have not much money to live.

The refugees of the world are not forgotten in my life, I feel for you and wish
you good health and better days, enough to eat, clear water and a home and a

If you still feel offended by the UN because they use fotos of refugees, I would
like to send you an excuse in the name of the people who are responsible for

with kind reagrds

Marcus Blüm, Germany