Sender: Lisa fancymama77@...
Date: Fri Jul 15, 2005 10:30 pm
....these images are the only things that get the attention of people with the
money to help. It is a digusting display of humiliation I agree, but most of the
people in the United States, Canada and other places don't think of the horrible
things that happen in other countries are real. They tune out the stories and
calls for help. By showing images, these people are forced to face reality.
I am unaware of the practices of the UNHCR - it sounds like you feel slighted by
them and I am sorry for that. I have forwarded your URL to others I am in
contact with and hopefully we can help in one way or another. (Unfortunately, I
am limited in what I can do here in Canada.)
My family and I sponsor a little boy in Rwanda and hope and pray that the money
I give is helping his family. I have made personal phone calls to World Vision
to inquire if he was going to be attending school and if he had school supplies.
(Just my way of finding out if things are going right there.)
My hope is that we are doing something positive for him and his family - thats
all I can do. What World Vision does with the money I send may be different from
what I expect. I have to have faith - as all of the people that give to the
organizations out there have to do.
Please accept my humblest apologies for what these people have done - I am
ashamed for them.
Mrs. L. Araujo
sam@... wrote:
Re: Unfortunately.....
Dear Araujo,
I’m not against using images of refugees, but I’m against using refugees as human-buttons to collect money. I hope you’ll understand me. UNHCR has another ways to ask for money but the money that come from these human-buttons aren’t traceable and it go to many accounts so I think it don’t use for the proposes it given for at first place. I spoke about and I’ll do more in the future.
You don’t need to be sorry for what they done with me or for the abuse they did for the women on these human-buttons, you have big heart and your help for the Rwandan boy is great help. I hope you’ll ask the UNHCR to remove the human-buttons and this will be another great help for the refugees. I hope we’ll become friends and stay in contact.
I like to publish your message on my blog http://unhcr.blogspot.com with your permission.
Thank you very much and I hope to hear from you soon.
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