your work - and questions
From: c.wagner@
Date: Sat, 18 Jun 2005 07:37:30 +0100
Subject: your work - and questions
Dear Author:
you have had a tragic life but made the most under terrible circumstances! Like you, I dislike the UNHCR and big organizations who won't actually help individuals.
I'm a German and had a VISA - but because of some bizarre Dept. of Homeland Security error in their data, I keep getting arrested every time. Once, they abandoned me in the desert - no taxi and the next bus came by 5 hours later. Anyhow, the little guy's rights get often ignored.
Returning from Germany, my U.S. wife had locked me out of the house (I had paid for 100%) and destroyed all my personal belongings besides taking over my place of work, too. (4 networked PCs, all contracts etc.). Okay, so we meet in court. She tried to blacken my name by filing for a TRO, Temporary Restraining Order. And once a woman claims that, no way can a man continue living under one roof with her IMHO.
3/22: the judge explains that her application has no grounds to be granted => she bursts into tears and voila, it's granted "without prejudice". The judge had "no time to hear this" and a new judge would sort it out in a month.
4/14th: I hadn't been served, so the new judge explaines the need for "personal service". I couldn't say a single word!
5/12th: still never served, this fact was completely ignored. So i got 6 months' based not on any facts or evidence (like a Police Report). Besides, I have a letter and e-mails which were written after the filing and they speak for themselves. Most importantly, I can PROVE a dozen perjuries.
She forged my signature, somehow cashed my "3rd party checks" (my bank wouldn't do that).
Anyhow, foreigners and the Constitution don't get along. What's the meaning of "Constitutional Rights" if even a Superior Court ignores basic procedures?
So I have left the country and got a job.
So even if you ultimately succeed and are allowed to enter a country, you might still get victimized.
All the best!
From: sam@...
To: c.wagner@
Subject: Re: your work - and questions
Dear Chris
I feel sorry for all that treble and I hope you’re ok now. I didn’t find your question so I hope you’ll ask me again.
Thank you very much for your advice and I hope to hear from you soon.
From: c.wagner@
Date: Mon, 20 Jun 2005 16:00:43 +0100 (BST)
Subject: Re: your work - and questions
Hello Sam,
does the UNHCR see all imigrants as a mass to be ruled
/ dealt with? So they don't care about the i n d i v
i d u a l person's fate?
Have you written your biography? That would be very
interestign and inspirational for others! Not many
have your strength - most probably become apolitical
or simply exhausted and retreat into their private
Q: how would you deal with the procedural situation of
never having been served papers? That means one is
totally in the dark! One cannot defend oneself because
one hasn't been able to read any accusations... I
thought that maybe you have experience with
Thanks and keep up the good work!
From: sam@...
To: c.wagner@
Subject: Re: your work - and questions
Dear Chris,
“does the UNHCR see all imigrants as a mass to be ruled
/ dealt with? So they don't care about the i n d i v
i d u a l person's fate?”
No, UNHCR doesn’t deal and look for all migrants. It deals with some from special nationalities whom their countries registered remarkable violations for human rights or have wars. Mostly the UNHCR deals with individual cases.
I didn’t understand your other question, please could you explain more?
Thank you very much and I hope to hear from you soon.
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