Post re UNHCR Human Buttons
Sender: Sophia Mubarak
Sat Sep 10, 2005 9:16 pm
Thank you for your post on the wisdom mystery school, and I am rethinking what
is appropriate to post
I have gone over your website and the important messages and will forward this
on to
Hope Caravan @ and UFPJ United for Peace and Justice, and I
believe if you
posted with the website of Global Exchange...Code Pink...and a few others. I am
not set up
anymore to forward all this stuff to websites or groups, as my entire website is
on a 3.5 diskette, due
to the fact that I have never set up another website and no longer wish to serve
as any resource database
for free, to any one....and do not wish to get absorbed in political activism
which distracts me
from the book I am writing and what I have learned in the past 5 years, since I
graduated from
a top graduate school in US on peacemaking, conflict resolution, transformations
in consciousness.
Great Website. Keep up the work you are doing. (I am 65 years old now, and
really do not have the
health to get out there and do all the work I did before. I wish you well, and
hang in there. great exposes, and real info not diluted by US or UK publishing
requirements or editing. GO GO GO...
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